Football season’s in full swing, and alongside headlines of caught passes and touchdowns are stories of athletes suffering from dangerous concussions — a type of injury that affects the brain and is the result of a serious blow to the head.
But there’s another type of concussion that affects more than a player’s brain.
Spinal concussions.
Spinal cord concussions, known medically as cervical cord neurapraxia, occur often during head-to-head collisions when a player’s neck is compressed or forced aggressively up or down. It can cause numbness or tingling in the hands or feet. Spinal cord concussions can also cause muscle weakness, and in severe cases, paralysis. These sensations can last anywhere from a few seconds to more than 24 hours.
Spinal cord concussions on the field can be prevented by stressing proper tackling and collision techniques, including keeping the head up – rather than spearing.
If you’ve suffered an athletic spinal injury, or suspect you’re dealing with a spinal cord injury, contact the specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today. We will take a complete medical history to help you determine the type and potential cause of injury. We’ll also provide you with the highest level care to help get you back on the field quickly and safely.
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