How do you approach your sport or exercise? Do you arrive at your running, sporting, or exercise venue and begin your stretching routine? Perhaps you begin by sitting and touching your toes and then proceed to a calf stretch? This type of traditional approach is very common. However, are you aware that when active warm-ups are compared to stretching before exercise, active warm-ups win?
When it comes to your groin, you need to ensure that you’ve properly warmed up to prevent injury or a pull. A groin strain happens when too much stress is placed upon the muscles in the groin or thigh. This is a typical injury for athletes who play sports that demand a lot of running, jumping and changing direction.
If you play soccer or football, you are very susceptible to a groin strain. Here are some suggested active warm-ups for you.
- Dynamic stretching is key! This is a type of active movement that promotes taking your body through a range of motions instead of holding one stretch for a longer period of time. An example of a great exercise that will prevent groin injury is a leg swing.
- Begin by raising your core and muscle temperature (making them more elastic) by doing some light jogging, biking or any activity that raises your heart rate and temperature.
At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we can help you recover from your groin injury or pull with our treatment plan. Our goal is to assist you in returning to your chosen sport as quickly and as safely as possible. Call and book your appointment today!
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