Back in the day, being a member of the hip crowd was cool. Nowadays, being a member of the hip crowd can mean you are among those with hip discomfort, pain and trouble getting around. The good news is, there are options for improving the function of your hips and if you are not yet a member, you can keep your hips in decent shape by taking some precautions.
Healthy Hips
Your hip joints are the largest joints in your body. This “ball and socket” joint has seven distinct types of motion. Heavy ligaments surround the joint keeping it stable. The top of the thigh bone, or femur, is covered in cartilage that provides smooth movement within the joint.
Healthy hips require strong muscles. Exercises to strengthen the hip abductors that move the thighs out to the side will help keep your hips in good shape. Maintaining a healthy weight is all important, especially as your weight can affect the stress and strain on hip joints. Proper nutrition is critical as well. Some people may benefit from supplements to aid in hip health. Your doctor can advise you on this.
Not So Healthy Hips
If your hips are causing you discomfort, you have a few options. The first thing to consider is checking in with a doctor for an assessment. A thorough examination and possible imaging will help the doctor determine the best treatment to relieve your discomfort and increase your range of motion. The earlier you do this the better.
You may be one of those who can make vast improvements by losing some weight and strengthening your hip muscles with targeted exercises. Some people may need more extensive interventions. It is important not to procrastinate when your hips start acting up. Early intervention can mean better results and less aggressive measures.
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