It’s no surprise that this season’s long days and warm temperatures send more people outdoors to participate in their favorite activities. From training for marathons to backyard baseball games, summer sends people scrambling to be more physically active – and while that can mean big benefits for your health, it also greatly ups the potential for injury. In fact, most activities with the highest rates of injury are warm-weather specific, including bicycling, soccer, tennis, and baseball or softball.
- Warming up improperly or not at all, and overusing underused muscles are often the culprit for common conditions such as joint sprains, strains, tendonitis, and stress fractures. Consider a few quick tips for avoiding these types of injuries:
- Stay hydrated and eat well to keep muscles functioning at an optimal level. A body that’s dehydrated or malnourished is much more likely to suffer an injury.
- Chances are, you haven’t been as active over the course of the previous cooler months, and your body is going to need time to acclimate to your increased activity level. Warm up and stretch properly to prevent overexertion and extension of muscles and joints.
- Wear the right gear for your activity of choice to help prevent chronic pain and potential injuries. From shoes to protective equipment, proper gear can make all the difference.
In addition to these prevention pointers, Ortho Sport& Spine Physicians offers a full range of interventional sports treatments for athletes of all skill levels and abilities, including hip and knee injections, small joint injections, bursa injections, and musculoskeletal ultrasounds. Our certified professional staff is here to help you combat pain and get you off the bench and back on your feet for all your favorite summer activities.
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