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Common Summertime Knee Injuries Atlanta, GA
runner with injured knee

Summer is a time for outdoor activities and enjoying the sunshine. It’s a season when people are more likely to engage in sports and physical activities like hiking. Unfortunately, with increased physical activity comes an increased risk of injury, particularly to the knees. Common summertime knee injuries can put a damper on your fun and activities, so it’s important to be aware of them and take steps to prevent them.

Otho Sport & Spine Physicians has 49 clinics, imaging centers, and surgery centers across the United States that can address mild to serious knee injuries. Here are some of the most common injuries we address during the summertime.

Meniscus Tears

One of the most common summertime knee injuries is a meniscus tear. The meniscus is a piece of cartilage in the knee that provides cushioning and stability. When the knee is subjected to sudden twisting or impact, the meniscus can tear, causing pain, swelling and limited mobility. Meniscus tears are often seen in sports that involve pivoting and sudden changes in direction, such as soccer, basketball and tennis.

Patellar Tendonitis

Another common knee injury during the summer months is patellar tendonitis, also known as jumper’s knee. This condition is an overuse injury that occurs when the tendon that connects the kneecap to the shinbone becomes inflamed. Activities that involve repetitive jumping, such as volleyball and basketball, can strain the patellar tendon and lead to pain and swelling. Beach volleyball is a particular culprit that can result in this injury during the summertime.

ACL Injuries

Moreover, anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are prevalent in sports like soccer, football and basketball, where sudden stops, changes in direction and landing from jumps are common. Hikers can also sustain these injuries in steep or arduous terrain. An ACL injury is typically a severe setback, often requiring surgery and extensive rehabilitation.

Strains and Sprains

General overuse and strains are also common in the knees, particularly during the summer months when people are more active. Running, hiking and cycling, while great forms of exercise, can also lead to strains and overuse injuries if not approached with caution and proper training.

Keep Your Knees Safe

Preventing summertime knee injuries is key to enjoying a healthy, active summer. Here are some tips to help keep your knees safe:

  1. Warm up properly before engaging in physical activity.
  2. Strengthen the muscles around the knee through targeted exercises.
  3. Use proper equipment and footwear for your chosen activity.
  4. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid overuse.
  5. Listen to your body and rest when needed.

If you do experience knee pain or injury, it’s essential to seek medical attention promptly. Ignoring knee pain or trying to “push through the pain” can exacerbate the problem and lead to long-term consequences.

Orthopedic Knee Injury Treatment

These and other common summertime knee injuries can dampen fun and activities, but many of these injuries can be prevented with proper precautions and awareness. By caring for your knees and listening to your body, you can help prevent injuries and enjoy a safe summer of physical activity.

Contact the Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians location near you if you sustain a summertime knee injury.

Posted on behalf of Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians

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Jules F.

Surgery was a success my left knee is fully functional again. Langer and his staff was very helpful through this entire process they assigned me a top physical therapist Cara which was great at helping me to improve now just up to me to continue to condition myself back to the way I was physically before the injury and hopefully I never have to endure any future injuries that lead to surgery. Overall a great help and experience after surgery was completed. Thank You to Langer and his staff.

Dea'Mario F.

The Morrow location was a great experience for me. The staff was nothing less than perfect to me. I'm glad I chose this location.

Ricky J.

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians are excellent in the work they do. They take their time with each patient and make sure you walk away with an understanding of exactly what you're going through. I have been a patient here twice and I could 100% assure you that you will have a great experience. Further the physicians are very knowledgeable and experienced at what they do. Moreover, the entire staff are welcoming and accommodating to your needs. I work in Entertainment, and have appeared several times on television (Google "David Wells and Ricky Johnson). I recommend and trust Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians.

Priscilla F.

The staff was great! They were patient, kind and courteous. The doctors were excellent! The doctors took the time to explain and patiently answer any questions I had.