Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a form of chronic pain that usually affects one of the body’s limbs such as an arm, leg, or foot. Most people with CRPS develop symptoms after an injury or surgery; some people who suffer also come down with symptoms following a heart attack or stroke. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is believed to be caused by damage to the peripheral and central nervous systems. It takes advanced treatment procedures to help patients find successful relief of their pain and other symptoms so that they are able to return to an active, healthy lifestyle.
At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we are staffed with double board certified Interventional Spine physicians, pain specialists, and orthopedic specialists who are experts at treating CRPS. Like the name suggests, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is a very complex and painful condition. Symptoms include prolonged and severe pain in the limbs, a burning or tingling sensation in the affected limb, and increased sensitivity in the affected area. Sensitivity can be to cold or hot temperatures, or from the slightest touch of the skin. For some, the pain associated with CRPS is so severe that it becomes debilitating.
If you or someone you know is looking for relief from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, call Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians in Atlanta today. Patients with CRPS find the best results when they begin treatment within the first months of their first symptoms. The physicians at Ortho Sport & Spine will work collaboratively to help tailor a treatment based on each patient’s specific case. We want you to be back to enjoying your life, and we are dedicated to doing all that we can in order to help you reach that goal.
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