Discogenic pain is a common condition, afflicting up to six million Americans. Symptoms will depend on the source of the problem. You may experience acute or chronic back pain when active, sitting, coughing or sneezing. Many patients experience symptoms that spread to the neck or legs.
This type of pain stems from a damaged vertebral disc. You may suffer from debilitating symptoms in severe cases. However, that does not mean that you will need extreme treatment interventions. Conservative options often provide effective relief, which eliminates the need for surgery.
Conservative Treatment for Discogenic Pain
Where appropriate, Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians will offer non-surgical solutions for discogenic pain. Physical therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, intra-discal injections and temperature based treatments can provide relief.
Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians will closely monitor your response to conservative treatment options. We strive to ensure that patients are offered the easiest path to recovery possible. Providing relief without surgery is part of our specialist services.
Discogenic Pain Causes
There is no established cause of discogenic pain. The leading theory is that trauma and absorption of forces cause wear to the discs. If you are a smoker, there is a greater risk of developing the condition. It is also important to continue exercising to relieve symptoms.
Regardless of the underlying cause of discogenic pain, it is important to follow a structured treatment plan. If conservative options do not produce results, Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians can perform a minimally invasive surgery.
Endoscopic spine surgery offers a path to relief that involves faster recovery and reduced risk of complications. Our goal is to help you get back to life as normal, which includes continuing to enjoy physical lifestyle activities such as playing a sport.
Discogenic Pain Consultation
If you have suddenly developed back pain, do not delay in seeking relief. Turn to the double board-certified specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians. A consultation will help us understand the impact of your condition and determine potential causes.
We will recommend treatments for discogenic pain that provide fast and effective relief. Call our offices today for access to nationwide spinal pain treatment.
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