There are six sports offered by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for the fall season. However, the season of fall offers the least number of sports out of the three seasons of winter, spring and fall. Some may argue this, but the most popular fall collegiate sport is arguably, football. Which college football team do you cheer for? Are you a house divided during fall football season? College football in the South is like none other. The alliances run deep, allegiances are strong, and the cheers are loud and proud.
While protective football gear is being continually modified and improved to prevent injury, football still holds the largest injury rate with 36 injuries per 1,000 male athletes. It holds the highest number of collisions, and the highest number of ankle and knee injuries.
Let’s not forget women in our fall sports. Cheerleaders hold the not-so-coveted position of being the most dangerous sport for women athletes. While watching their amazing feats of spinning, flying and flipping, it’s no wonder that the National Center for Catastrophic Sports Injury Research discovered that cheerleading provided 70.5 % of catastrophic injuries suffered by college athletes. The creative and risky (high flying) routines provide many opportunities for injury.
If you or your student athlete suffers from a sports related injury this fall, call our Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians in Metro Atlanta and Savannah. We specialize in sports related injuries, and our goal is to get you back to the field and game that you love.
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