Turkey. Dressing. Family. Knee and shoulder injuries?
Unfortunately, all of these things are staples of the Thanksgiving holiday, and thanks to those family football games, the last two are becoming more and more common.
Hauling the family out to the backyard gridiron is a fun way to work off that Thanksgiving feast, but if you aren’t careful, all the tackles and long passes could send you straight back to the couch – thanks to ACL tears, rotator cuff injuries, ankle sprains, pulled back muscles, and more.
If going long has you heading to the sidelines, call the team at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians. We’re proud to specialize in a wide range of sports injury treatments and rehabilitation, customizing your program to address your unique needs. We employ both surgical and non-surgical methods to help you get back in the game quickly.
And if you are planning on rounding up the family a fun game of touch football, stay safe by stretching first, keeping hydrated, wearing some kind of protective gear, and most importantly, knowing your limits. We’d all love to think that we’re the next Aaron Rodgers, but being realistic about your abilities can keep you off the couch from injury and on it for a post-turkey snooze, instead.
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