This year many people have had to ease up on their usual workout routines. There have been many ups and downs when it comes to working out at the gym and exercising the body as you normally would. Those who have not yet resumed their regular course of exercise may find it more challenging to get back into the swing of things. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to safely modify or return to your usual workout.
Start Slow
It is almost like making a New Year’s resolution to get started again once you have had substantial time off. You may stick with it for a few days and by the time a few weeks go by, you have lost interest again. After all, you now have other things that may be more interesting with which to occupy your time.
If you have been more sedentary than active for the past several months, you probably should not rush back into the usual routine, thinking you can pick up where you left off. By now, your body is out of practice and even though you may have muscle memory, you probably do not have muscle tone. You may also be lacking in the strength you had before taking time away from the gym.
Starting slow will give your body an opportunity to get used to being active again. You will find that in no time you will be back up to your former routine. Getting in the groove slowly gives your muscles a chance to get used to moving again. Doing too much too soon can lead to unnecessary sprains and strains.
Remember to Stay Hydrated
When the summer sun is beating down and temperatures are high, it is easy to remember to stay hydrated. As temperatures are more comfortable and maybe even on the cooler side, it may be easier to forget about keeping your body well hydrated.
Your muscles, your brain and every cell in your body needs adequate amounts of fluid to function properly. So, as you start increasing your time working out, you also need to be sure to keep your body adequately hydrated.
Easing back into your routine, or starting a new workout plan sensibly, will give your muscles time to adjust to the new activity. It will also decrease your chances for injury. Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians treats all types of injuries related to sports and other activities. When you have pain that is keeping you out of the action, contact us and schedule an appointment for a consultation.
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