Your gait is the way you walk or move on your feet. It refers to the locomotion that you achieve through the movement of your limbs. If your gait is abnormal it could be due to many reasons such as illness, genetic factors, injury or abnormalities in your legs or feet.
A groin strain is an injury in your groin area. This area is where your abdomen meets your leg and inner thigh muscles and attach to the pubic bone. Groin strains usually occur in your muscles of your upper inner thigh near your pubic bone or in front of your hip. When you strain your groin it can affect a wide variety of activities, including your gait because it makes walking, running, lifting your knee or moving your leg away from or toward your body difficult and painful.
If you have a groin strain you will most likely experience sharp pains or spasms in that area. It may be a persistent pain or resolve itself quickly. Your groin muscles will feel tight or weak and it can be very painful to lift your leg or knee or bringing your knees together.
If you are suffering from the painful symptoms of a groin pull, please contact our specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today and schedule a consultation with on of our Interventional Sport Physicians. We will develop a treatment plan based on your individual needs and treatment goals. Come and see us today, and let us help you get your gait back.
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