Bicep tendon tears are uncommon. If it happens, it is usually by accident when lifting something heavy. Other causes include falling, repetitive use, shoulder tendonitis, shoulder impingement, rotator cuff injuries and aging.
The bicep is an upper arm muscle located in the front of your arm that aids in flexing the elbow and rotating the forearm. Three tendons connect this large muscle to the humerus at the shoulder and the ulna at the elbow.
The Three Bicep Tendons
The tendons attach the biceps to the bones. The three bicep tendons are:
- The long head tendon connects the bicep to the upper part of your shoulder socket.
- The short head tendon connects the bicep to the coracoid process (a bump on the shoulder blade).
- The third tendon connects the bicep to the radius, one of the two forearm bones.
Any of these three bicep tendons have the potential to rip. A torn bicep indicates that one of these tendons has been injured or detached from the bone.
When a bicep tendon is ripped, you will likely experience pain, loss of motion and overall weakness when moving the arm.
Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians has a staff of double board-certified surgeons with a strong track record of treating bicep tendon tears and other elbow or shoulder problems. We can help you recover fully from bicep tendon injuries using cutting-edge sports medicine techniques.
Bicep Tendon Injuries
Bicep tendon tears are classified into three kinds based on their location and severity. Tears can either be partial (a tendon is injured) or full (in which the tendon completely detaches from the bone). In addition, a bicep tendon tear can happen at the shoulder or the elbow.
We will determine your treatment based on the injury location and degree of bicep tendon damage. In certain situations, conservative methods such as anti-inflammatory medicines, ice and physical therapy can repair bicep tendon damage. However, surgical intervention is usually required for those with a complete bicep tendon tear or athletes who wish to regain full range of motion, muscle strength and performance.
Bicep Tendon Tear Treatment
You may have a bicep tendon tear if you suffer sudden, acute pain in your upper arm or elbow after moving a heavy object or for any other reason. Only a board-certified orthopedic doctor can accurately diagnose the issue.
Bicep tendon tears must be treated since they can cause lifelong rotational weakness. Our practice offers the most up-to-date bicep tendon corrective treatments. Depending on your situation, we may utilize stitches via bone holes or small metal implants to reconnect the tendon to the bone.
The orthopedic surgeons at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians provide specialized expertise and compassionate care for bicep tendon injuries and associated shoulder or elbow complications. Contact us immediately for rapid, reliable biceps tendon repair.
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