When it comes to getting injured, this is not something you’ve planned, and set a date for on your icalendar. Injuries happen suddenly, and with no prior planning. You’re walking into the meeting. You check your watch to make sure you’re on time. You trip, and your face meets the sidewalk, and your knee dislocates at some point in the fall. Or, your sporty teen decides that today is the day to “show off” and jump off the back of the metal spectator stands and a fracture occurs.
In the instance that you or your loved one encounters an injury, you may need urgent care immediately. There is good news for you if you live in Atlanta. Ortho Sport & Spine offers you an alternative to going to overcrowded hospital emergency rooms.
Here is a guide for you if you or a friend or family member suffers an injury or trauma, and prompt specialized care is required.
- When an accident or trauma occurs make sure everyone is out of harm’s way.
- Contact us at Ortho Sport & Spine immediately. We can help you determine the next steps you need to take depending on the injury that occurred.
- Be sure to contact and family members that can help transport or help you navigate your way to our office.
At Ortho Sport & Spine, we understand that life happens. Injuries are not planned. If you live in the Atlanta area, be sure to keep our office in mind when you need urgent orthopedic care.
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