If you have been living with shoulder pain and limited arm mobility, total shoulder replacement surgery may be the best solution. For those who have decided to have their shoulder joint replaced, preparing for surgery can help make recovery easier. There are some ways you can plan ahead to make the healing process easier once you come home from the surgical center.
After your surgery, you will be wearing a sling on the affected arm for a couple of weeks. If this is your dominant arm, you will need to consider how you perform daily tasks and the best ways to get through your days and nights while you heal. The following are some tips to prepare yourself and your home for recovery.
Start Practicing
If you will not be able to use your dominant arm, start practicing using your other hand and arm for performing tasks. Try eating, opening doors, performing hygiene, and dressing only using the one arm. This will make it easier to adjust when you come home from your surgery.
Find Appropriate Clothing
It will be difficult to wear pullover shirts when your shoulder is immobilized. You will want loose-fitting clothes and button-up shirts to make it easier during the first few weeks to dress and undress. There are post-surgery shirts that are designed for shoulder surgery patients that you can find through medical supply retailers. Those who wear bras will want to consider a front-closure style to make it easier to put on or take off.
Pre-Surgery Shopping
There are a few things you may want to purchase before your surgery to make it easier during recovery. This is especially important if you will not have 24-hour assistance from a friend or family member. Some items you may want to have for recovery include:
- Frozen or pre-made meals
- Pill box for your medications
- Long-handled back washer
- Removeable showerhead
- Wedge pillow
- Stock up on household items you will need for at least a week
Most shoulder surgery patients will not be able to drive for up to six weeks. Planning ahead by stocking up on supplies can make it easier after surgery.
Sleeping Arrangements
Sleeping can be the most difficult aspect of recovery after shoulder replacement surgery. Many people find it easier to sleep in a recliner for the first week or so. This is where a wedge pillow may be helpful to prop up your arm or give you support so that you do not need to adjust as you sleep.
Total shoulder replacement surgery can give you back your arm mobility, but you will have to heal after your procedure. Preparing can make it easier to get through the recovery time. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we offer outpatient total shoulder replacement surgery utilizing the latest medical technology and techniques. Contact our center nearest you to learn more about shoulder joint replacement.
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