Anyone who participates in sports activities is highly likely to experience an injury at some point. Knowing how to prevent and treat them can help you spend more time doing the things you love instead of sitting on the sidelines. Here are the most common summer sports injuries and what you can do to treat them.
Runner’s Knee
One of the most common sporting injuries many orthopedic surgeons treat is runner’s knee. With this injury, you may experience pain and a grinding sound in your kneecap while walking or running. It can be prevented by ensuring that you replace your insoles and running shoes on a regular basis. If this injury occurs, stop your walks or runs for a few days and take over-the-counter pain relief medicine. If the pain gets worse, you may want to consult with an orthopedic specialist.
Shoulder Sports Injuries
Shoulder injuries can occur from high intensity summer sports activities that involve throwing motions or heavy lifting. Make sure to stretch properly before engaging in any sports to help prevent injury. Resting and over-the-counter medications can be beneficial when an injury occurs.
Achilles Tendinitis
Overusing the Achilles tendon in the back of the leg during summer sports activities can cause intense pain and inflammation. Stretching and strengthening exercises can help prevent these sports injuries from occurring. To treat this injury, rest and elevate your affected ankle and use ice and compression to reduce swelling. You can also take anti-inflammatory medication to help reduce your pain. Take it easy when resuming your normal activities to avoid injuring it again right away.
Ankle Sprains
Ankle sprains can occur from running or turning quickly while playing summer sports. Strengthening your ankles as much as possible before you play is the best form of prevention. Rest and elevate these sports injuries while using compression and ice. Try to move your ankle as much as possible to help with blood circulation.
Need Treatment for Summer Sports Injuries?
Summer sports injuries may not always be avoidable, but they do not have to stop you from playing. Advanced treatment and rehabilitation options are available at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians to keep you healthy and safe as an athlete. Schedule an appointment for treatment of summer sports injuries today.
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