Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI) can happen in an instant and change a life forever. Every year, an estimated 1.5 million Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury. They require a diagnosis by a neurologist and ongoing treatment to overcome. TBIs are not hopeless, however. On the contrary, a full and satisfying life is possible after a traumatic brain injury with proper treatment.
What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?
Traumatic brain injuries are caused by a serious blow to the head, something that causes the head to move very rapidly with considerable force or something that penetrates the skull and enters the brain.
Most TBIs are caused by falls, motor vehicle accidents and assaults. The injury can range from slight to severe, and symptoms range from being unnoticeable to coma and even death. Males are more likely to suffer from TBIs than females, and young adults, adolescents and senior citizens are at the highest risk.
Symptoms from TBI include a wide range of problems from a short-term loss of consciousness, headaches, trouble hearing, blurry vision, dizziness and cognitive symptoms like difficulty making decisions, inability to focus or pay attention, forgetfulness and repetition of things. TBI can also lead to behavior changes, including becoming angry easily and impulsive behaviors.
Do I Need a Neurologist to Diagnose a TBI?
Traumatic brain injuries are diagnosed with a series of neurological tests to measure motor skills, reflexes, coordination, and thinking and memory. In addition, scans including CT scans and MRI scans are used to show damage.
What Treatments are Available for Traumatic Brain Injuries?
There are no medications to treat TBIs. Doctors will monitor different vital signs, brain swelling and oxygenation, as well as drain fluids. Surgery is a potential option for some traumatic brain injuries. Mild TBIs have the best outcomes, with severe traumatic brain injuries often leading to permanent disability and even death. It’s critical to get evaluated by a qualified physician immediately after any severe head injury or if you experience symptoms suggesting a TBI.
Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians can diagnose and treat traumatic brain injuries. Call today for a consultation.
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