Your body is an amazing machine. And just like any machine, if something goes wrong it usually has a way to let you know. At times, your body will just stop functioning. Other times, it may function but with a great deal of pain. And there are other times when your body actually makes sounds for you to listen to to signal that something is wrong.
Snapping Hip
Snapping hip syndrome is just as the name implies. It is accompanied by a snapping sensation (and sometimes even a sound) that is experienced in the front or side of your thigh. It can also develop on the outer side of your hip. There are times when pain is associated with the snapping, and other times it is just a pop or snap sound or sensation.
Types of Snapping Hips
There are several reasons your hips might be snapping. It could be due to your IT-band moving over your hipbone as your leg moves forward and backward. It could also be due to your hip flexor muscle or tendon movement over your pelvis. There’s also a chance it could be due to a hip labral tear.
Treatment for Snapping Hip Syndrome
If you are a runner, dancer, soccer player or gymnast you are at a higher risk for Snapping Hip Syndrome due to overuse. The good news is there is effective treatment available to you at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians. We are exceptionally qualified to diagnose and treat your hip-related injuries and conditions. Call us and book your appointment today.
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