If you need hip replacement surgery, excess weight can create serious complications for your health. Weight loss can provide numerous benefits to help you achieve optimal results. If you carry excess weight, you could be denied this procedure. Here are three positive impacts weight loss can have on hip replacement surgery.
Prevent Surgical Issues During Hip Replacement Surgery
Excess body weight can create surgical issues during hip replacement surgery. Before the procedure, you will be administered anesthesia. Obesity can affect airflow and oxygen levels and make it difficult for the anesthesiologist to access your veins. The combination of obesity and anesthesia can place additional stress on your heart, increasing your risk for high blood pressure or a heart attack. Surgery may take longer than normal, which can increase your risks of developing health complications.
Reduce Your Risk of Complications
Weight loss can help you reduce your risks of complications after hip replacement surgery. Being overweight can lead to infections, blood clots, slower wound healing and breathing issues. You could dislocate your new hip joint, which could affect your range of motion and mobility. This could lead to the need for revision surgery, which can make it harder for you to achieve your desired results.
Pain Relief
Losing weight before hip replacement surgery can help relieve inflammation in your joints. This can help reduce your need for pain medications that can cause unwanted side effects. According to clinical studies, every pound you lose is able to take six pounds of force off your hips. By decreasing your pain, you can focus better on your recovery to heal faster so you can enjoy a healthy and active lifestyle.
Weight Loss Help for Hip Replacement Surgery
Making healthy lifestyle changes for weight loss before hip replacement surgery can boost your chances of successful results for optimal health. If you struggle with chronic hip pain, the experienced specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians can help you achieve long-lasting relief. During a consultation, an orthopedic surgeon can determine if you are an ideal candidate and recommend a personalized treatment plan to meet your unique health needs. Call to discuss your weight loss options for hip replacement surgery today.
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