At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we treat many patients who have excruciating neck and back pain from injuries and uncontrollable conditions. However, we also treat many patients whose back pain could have been avoided. Our goal at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is to help all of our patients stay active and enjoy their best lives, and for many that begins with preventive care.
There are many things that can be done “at home” to prevent back pain:
- Sleep well.
- Sleeping on the back not only contributes to loud snoring, but it also puts extra pressure and strain on the lower back. Sleeping on the stomach is also a bad choice because the neck and head are always twisted in an opposite position from the spine. People should sleep on their sides with a pillow between their knees in order to keep the spine properly aligned. Our bodies need 7-8 hours of sleep each night. Allow your body to rest and recuperate from the day by sleeping well.
- Talk wisely.
- It is a common habit to multitask while talking on the phone. However, if that multitasking includes holding the phone between your ear and shoulder, that can lead to posture problems, reoccurring migraine headaches, and a crick in the neck. A Bluetooth hands free device is a great solution to fix this bad habit.
- Pay attention while driving.
- And we aren’t just talking about paying attention to the road. Slouching while driving is a major contributor to lower back pain. With hours of commuting each week, poor posture while driving can have devastating effects on the back. By paying attention to your posture, and by putting a rolled-up towel at the small of the back, you can keep the s-shape of the spine in its correct position.
- Sit up straight.
- Bad posture compromises the diaphragm that helps to regulate breathing. When the diaphragm is compromised, people use their shoulder muscles to breathe. Shoulder breathing contributes to upper back fatigue and discomfort. The best way to correct poor posture while sitting is to scoot all the way back in the chair – the back of the chair is there for a reason: to support your back!
The doctors at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians are committed to our patients’ well-being and spinal health. By taking these simple preventive measures and putting them into practice, many common back and neck complaints can be avoided or eliminated helping you live your best life.
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