Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is proud to be Atlanta’s trusted leader when it comes to expert treatment for groin strains or pulls. If you’re experiencing a groin strain or pull, it’s important to contact our office immediately to help limit the amount of time that you may suffer from the pain related to this type of injury.
There are some simple steps you can take to help prevent a groin strain or pull.
- Always warm up by stretching your groin muscle before you commence with doing your sport or workout.
- Always increase your exercise slowly. Do not go “all out” as soon as you hit the trails or sports field. Start slow and work your way up to full speed.
- Make sure you are sufficiently hydrated with water before, during and after your physical activity. Water helps prevent muscle cramps and stiffness.
- Conclude your physical activity by properly cooling down and stretching.
If you’re wondering which stretches are best for your groin before and after your physical activity, you can find some here. If you’re suspecting that you have a groin pull or strain, some common symptoms include: groin and/or thigh pain and tenderness, painful sensations when you attempt to bring your legs together, pain when you raise your knee, a popping feeling during the time of the injury followed by severe pain.
If you are suffering from one of these symptoms of a groin pull or strain, contact our Atlanta Groin Pull Treatment Specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today and schedule a consultation with one of our Interventional Sport physicians.
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