The sacroiliac joints connect the sacrum with the hip on both sides and lie next to the spine. They are especially at risk for injury and dysfunction. Joint inflammation or dysfunction in this area can cause pain. The pain is most commonly located in the lower back and the buttocks; however, in some cases, the pain can radiate down the leg, all the way to the foot. Sacroiliac pain can affect one side or both sides.
At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we have Interventional Spine physicians highly experienced in administering sacroiliac joint injections.
Sacroiliac joint injections are a minimally invasive solution to both diagnose and decrease inflammation and pain. The procedure performed by our highly experienced physicians typically takes just 20-30 minutes to complete.
How Are Sacroiliac Joint Injections Used for Diagnosis?
Sacroiliac Joint Injections involve two types of medications. The injection is performed under fluoroscopy (x-ray guidance) for accuracy. A contrast is first injected into the joint to ensure proper needle placement. A local anesthetic/numbing agent is then injected into the joint.
The patient is then asked to try to reproduce the pain by performing the usual activities that cause the pain. If the patient experiences significant pain relief for the duration of the anesthetic, then a provisional diagnosis of sacroiliac dysfunction is made.
A second injection is performed with a numbing agent to confirm the diagnosis.
How Do Sacroiliac Joint Injections Relieve Pain?
An injection is performed using the same technique as a diagnostic injection, except that anti-inflammatory medication (a corticosteroid) is also included in the injection to both provide pain relief and to reduce inflammation within the joint.
The numbing agent will provide immediate temporary pain relief that may last for several hours. However, it is normal for the pain to return once the numbing agent wears off.
For most people, the corticosteroid medication takes 2-3 days to start having an effect.
If the sacroiliac joint injections provide prolonged pain relief, he or she can begin rehabilitation or physical therapy to reduce the pain further and return to normal levels of activity.
Sacroiliac joint injections may be repeated up to three times per year in conjunction with rehabilitation or physical therapy to help regain and maintain normal joint function.
Contact Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today and ask about relief from lower back pain.
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