The knee is a joint that carries more weight than any other in the body. It also comes under a heavy amount of impact pressure, as it is used in walking and running actions. To maintain optimal flexibility under these conditions, the knee contains cartilage.
Coating the joint surfaces of the thighbone and shinbone, cartilage provides a form of shock absorption when the knee experiences jolts from movement. As it forms a smooth surface, cartilage allows for the joints to slide smoothly across each other.
Unfortunately, cartilage can deteriorate over time, especially if affected by high impact activities or sports. In addition, damage can result from injury, such as a heavy fall or an object colliding with the knee.
Symptoms of Cartilage Damage
Damage to the cartilage will usually result in pain in the joint. This may initially appear only when the knee is under strain from use, such as walking or exercising. Discomfort can increase in intensity until the knee aches simply from having pressure put upon it.
As the deterioration or injury progresses, the joint can begin to feel sore even when at rest. Swelling may develop over the course of a few hours or days. The knee may feel stiff when used, indicating that the bones of the joint have lost their gliding surface. Other symptoms include a grinding or clicking sensation when using the knee, or the joint locking, catching or giving way completely.
Many joint injures can improve with at home self-care treatments, such as rest and elevation. However, it can be difficult to differentiate cartilage damage from other common afflictions, such as sprains and strains. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we recommend seeking medical advice at the onset of pain in the knee, so that preventive measures can be taken.
Treatment for cartilage damage depends on how seriously the cartilage has been damaged or deteriorated. Biologic treatments or cartilage grafting are very effective in the early stages, encouraging regrowth and preserving the joint.
Get to the source of your knee pain today and begin your journey to recovery. Contact Ortho Sports & Spine Physicians today for a consultation.
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