Spinal cord injuries can be some of the most severe, yet survivable, injuries we can face. Unfortunately, depending on the level and location of the injury, a person can need medical care for the rest of their lives or even be bedridden and dependent on machines. However, treatments are available for many spinal cord injuries, with more being developed.
What are Spinal Cord Injuries?
Most spinal cord injuries result from motor vehicle accidents, sports accidents or work-related injuries. These injuries involve any part of the spinal column and the attached nerves. The result of the injury is based on how low on the spine the injury occurs and can involve lifelong paralysis. Spinal injuries have levels and severity, also called completeness.
The level of injury is based on the lowest area of your spine that is NOT injured. The lower the injury, the more movement will remain in the body.
The severity of the injury is referred to as either complete or incomplete. A complete injury means that all feeling, sensation and movement are lost completely below the spinal cord injury. An incomplete injury means there is some movement, sensation or movement below the injury. Patients can have varying levels of an incomplete injury.
There are two types of paralysis with spinal cord injuries. Paraplegia refers to paralysis of the trunk, legs and pelvic region. Tetraplegia, more commonly known as quadriplegia, refers to paralysis that includes the legs, pelvis, trunk, arms and hands.
Can Spinal Cord Injuries Be Treated?
Technology, science and education combined with experience and skill are all a part of spinal cord injury treatment. Ensure your treatment comes from the very best orthopedic surgeons and physicians. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we are dedicated to helping spinal cord injury patients regain as much movement, feeling and sensation as is possible. Our commitment to using the least invasive and the most advanced technologies to repair spinal cord injuries wherever possible. We strive to relieve pain and other symptoms whenever we can.
At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we have therapists, surgeons and physicians with spinal cord injury experience and training. Contact us to find out if there is help for your spinal cord injury.
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