A Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique To Relieve Pressure In Your Spine Caused By Compressed Nerves
If you have pain and pressure in your spine caused by compressed nerves, a procedure called Endoscopic Foraminotomy may be the solution for you. This is an outpatient procedure that only requires a small Band-Aid placed over your small incision after being completed.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Compressed Nerve?
The best way to determine if you have a pinched or compressed nerve in your spine is to visit your doctor. The sooner you discover the cause of your compression there is a better chance that you will find relief within weeks or months of conservative treatment. Pinched nerves send you warning messages such as pain. Don’t ignore the warning messages.
If you have a pinched nerve, you may experience pain in your:
- Neck
- Low back
- Shoulder
- Arm
- Leg
- Foot
You may also experience:
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Burning sensation
- Weakness
- Pain with certain movements
If you have tried more conservative treatments for your pinched or compressed nerve in your spine, it may be time to consider if you’re a good candidate for Endoscopic Foraminotomy. This procedure involves the insertion of a small metal tube into your Neuroforamen to remove any bone spurs, scars, ligaments overgrowth or a part of a protruded disc that is placing pressure on your nerve.
Contact our Atlanta Endoscopic Foraminotomy Specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today to schedule your consultation with one of our Interventional Spine doctors today.
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