When you are used to going out every day, staying healthy while staying at home can be challenging. Some individuals have changed from rolling stones to couch potatoes in the wake of COVID-19. Staying home does not need to keep you from staying healthy and active. In fact, developing a proper routine can keep you from the temptation to veg out with the TV or video games all day.
The Importance of Movement
Sitting on the couch watching TV or playing video games is fine in moderation. Too much will lead to weight gain, among other issues. Chances are, while you are glued to the TV or the computer, your posture is not at its best. In fact, you are probably slouching, and this can lead to sore muscles after a while. Even working at your computer for hours on end can have a detrimental effect on you, if you do not break up the time with movement.
Staying at home does not mean you cannot go outside for a walk, run or bike ride. Check with the local rules to see what is allowed. Taking a brisk walk can do wonders for your body and brain, even if it is only for ten or fifteen minutes. Keeping your body moving is essential for staying healthy.
Getting your body in motion for a little while helps keep you physically fit. It also helps you stay mentally alert. When the world seems turned upside down and there is a constant deluge of gloomy news reports, it can be easy to feel depressed. Exercise can help lift your mood as endorphins are released. These “feel good” hormones can help you feel positive during a time of chaos.
Staying Healthy with Good Food Choices
We often turn to comfort foods in times of stress. While many of these foods are considered junk foods, this isn’t true for all of them. Now may be the perfect time to explore new recipes and discover comfort foods that support a healthy lifestyle.
Certain foods such as sugar and refined carbohydrates contribute to inflammation and joint pain. Minimizing your intake of such foods can help increase your energy, lower your weight and help you in your quest of staying healthy while staying at home. Choose lean meats, poultry and fish as well as vegetables and fruits instead.
Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians are here to help when you need spine or joint care. We have specialists who can help you feel better quickly. Call to schedule your consultation.
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