Sitting for extended periods, heavy lifting and poor posture can put strain on your back while at work. Over time, spinal conditions can develop and lead to loss of mobility and other serious health conditions. Being proactive can help you keep your spine healthy so you can enjoy an active lifestyle and prevent expensive medical bills. Here are three strategies to prevent spinal conditions while at work.
Invest in Ergonomic Equipment
Many spine conditions can be prevented with the use of ergonomic equipment. If you work in an office, invest in an adjustable chair or desk at the proper height to help keep your back straight. When moving heavy objects, wear safety belts and practice proper lifting techniques. Get help with heavier objects instead of trying to lift on your own.
Build Your Back Muscle Strength
Daily exercise can help minimize many spine conditions while at work. Workout your back muscles to increase flexibility and durability. Consult a doctor before beginning any exercise routine and stretch before working out to minimize potential injuries. Incorporate strength training at least twice a week along with aerobic and cardiovascular exercises on a daily basis. An orthopedic specialist can recommend specific exercises to help you strengthen your spine and back so you can continue to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.
Take Frequent Breaks
When you are tired and stressed at work, you can increase your risk for spine conditions to develop. Remaining in the same spot, whether you are sitting or standing, can weaken vital areas of your spine. If you sit at a desk all day, take a few minutes every hour to get up and stretch. Walk around to improve your circulation and relieve tension in your back. Slow down when completing tasks that require heavy concentration. Rushing could lead to serious spinal injuries.
Effective Treatment for Complex Spinal Conditions
Spine conditions can impact your quality of life forever if left untreated. Even if you suffer from chronic pain, there are treatment options to help you manage your symptoms effectively. Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians offers a comprehensive range of personalized treatments for a host of complex spinal conditions. Make an appointment for treatment today.
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