Your Achilles tendon is your strongest and largest tendon in your body. It is also known as the heel cord or calcaneal tendon. It is located on the back of your leg and connects your calf muscle to your heel bone. That makes it a very important part of your body, and if something goes wrong with it, it can affect many other important functions of your body.
What Does The Achilles Tendon Do?
The Achilles tendon functions when your calf muscles flex it pulls on your heel. This function allows you to stand on your toes while running, walking or jumping. It also helps you point your foot downward. It is vital for your ability to walk and move.
How Will You Know If You Have An Achilles Tendon Injury?
Your Achilles tendon can tear completely or just partially. There are several signs and symptoms you can look for to know if you may have injured your Achilles tendon. It may feel like you’ve been suddenly kicked in your calf. You may also have swelling and pain around the region of your heel. Your ability to bend your foot downward or push off it is may be inhibited. You may lose your ability to stand on your toes and you may hear or feel a popping or snapping sound.
Don’t let a ruptured Achilles tendon slow you down or prevent you from doing the activities you enjoy this summer. Contact Ortho Spot & Spine Physicians today. We will ensure that you return to your functioning lifestyle that you deserve.
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