Have you thought about what you’re going to buy for you mom for Mother’s Day yet? Mother’s Day is on Sunday, May 14th this year. Are you ready for it? Do you prefer to shop on the Internet and have a package delivered directly to you? Or are you one that likes going to the store and choosing, touching and smelling the perfect scent or gift for your mom? Here’s a suggestion: Don’t purchase a gift that will benefit you. Buying mom a waffle maker, so she can make you your favorite breakfast food is probably not what mom wants.
What mom really wants are three things:
- Moms want peace in their homes. Take a break from tattling, fighting and arguing over whose turn it is to do the dishes. Set aside whining and ask mom the question, “What else may I do to help you today?”
- Moms want pampered. Every mom loves your handmade gifts and written words of love. They will cherish them forever. Go ahead and give your mom the gift of your hands through a craft, or a poem or just a simple note. Your mom also would love a foot massage, back rub, or just offer to brush her hair for her; she will not turn any of these down!
- Moms want to be pain-free. If you mom is suffering from any type of physical pain, she really wants to be freed from her pain.
If you know your mom is suffering from any type of spine or sport conditions, encourage her to call our offices of Ortho Sport & Spine to get her on the road to a pain-free life.
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