There is a big correlation between the foods you eat and your body’s health. Most people will think of food and gaining weight and leave it at that. Certainly, eating too much and eating the wrong types of food will pack on the pounds. Many studies have proven those facts. Studies have also shown that certain types of food can help or hinder the body’s ability to heal.
Healing Is About More Than Injuries
Usually when we think about healing, it is in connection with an accident or some type of event that causes injury to the body. Seldom do people consider that when you sleep, the body is going through a healing process. Our body’s go through a lot every day, whether or not we realize it.
Average daily activities take tons of energy and muscles can become fatigued and overworked. Then when you add on extra activities such as running, cycling, working out and participating in sports, your muscles expend even more energy and effort to keep you going.
At the end of the day, you may feel exhausted, but you probably would not consider yourself injured. Yet, there are hundreds of tiny microtears in your muscles. They get healed when you rest and your body sends good nutrition and nourishing blood to those areas. This is how muscle grows and gets stronger.
The Importance of Good Nutrition
Any job that is done well needs the right tools, and those tools need to be in good order to get the job done correctly. It is the same with the healing aspects of the body. Whether your body needs to heal the microtears of your gym workout or the torn ligament in your arm causing you pain, it must have the proper fuel in order to do the best healing.
Good nutrition is a foundational aspect of healthy living. Not only does it make you look and feel better, your body needs it to make necessary repairs. Without plenty of nutritious foods, you body can get weaker and more vulnerable to serious injury.
Without certain nutrients, the natural processes that cause the body to change as we age can become even more problematic. Consider that bone mass begins to decline in your 40s. Without a diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D to help the body absorb it, the decline of bone mass can lead to brittle bone or compression fractures when you get older.
The doctors at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians can help you learn what you need to do to keep your body in shape and your bones and muscles healthy. Call today to schedule an appointment.
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