One of the prominent causes of job-related disability is lower back pain. This is also one of the leading causes for missing work, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Back pain can be debilitating, impacting your daily activities, and limiting your ability to function normally.
Back pain can be situational and resolve on its own given enough time, it can be an ongoing chronic condition that lasts years, or it can be somewhere on the continuum between the two. Proper diagnosis is necessary to determine the most effective treatment for individual cases.
When Is Surgery Necessary?
Non-surgical options are usually attempted before surgical solutions are mentioned. Identifying the source of the pain is critical in determining the best option for recovery. Exercises, physical therapy or other conservative treatments can be effective in many situations. When they are not, surgical alternatives may be necessary.
When back pain begins to interfere with your quality of life and prevents you from fully functioning or impacts your mobility, it may be time to consider surgical options. Early intervention and correction of the problem provides the best chances for reversing damage to spinal nerves when they are affected.
Surgery may be used to treat some spinal conditions like lumbar stenosis. Surgically removing some of the bone to take pressure off the nerve can be beneficial. Lumbar fusion may help with spondylolisthesis. This requires fusing the vertebrae together with screws and rods to prevent irritating motion.
Minimally invasive surgical procedures can be used to help some patients gain relief from back pain. A thorough examination and in-depth health history are needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop an effective treatment plan.
Many back issues can be resolved without surgery. When conservative measures fail, surgical options may provide the answer. Do not be afraid to ask the questions you want answered when surgery is recommended. Remember, you can get second and third opinions to help you make the right decision regarding whether or not you want to proceed with the surgical option.
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