With somewhere around 80% of Americans suffering some form of back pain, it can be an easy problem to dismiss – the result of long hours at the office, poor posture, even smoking. It’s also a type of pain that many of us feel like we simply have to live with.
But that isn’t the case. Sometimes, back pain is something more than a small ache. It can actually be a symptom of serious condition or injury that requires quality treatment and care from a back specialist.
These cues may indicate that it’s time for you to see a doctor about your back pain.
- The pain is chronic and severe or intense – especially at night, or when you try to lie down.
- The pain extends down the legs
- Your back pain is accompanied by a fever – this could a sign of a more serious spinal infection
- You are also experiencing any type of numbness or tingling
- You’ve recently suffered any type of physical trauma or injury
- It’s contributing to incontinence or poor bladder control
- You’re experiencing unexplained weight loss
- You have history of cancer, and your back pain is new
- Your pain lasts more than 6 weeks
If your back pain requires professional care, contact the specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians.
We can help get to the root of your problem, and provide you with a safe, effective treatment option that can help you get back to your normal activities. Our physicians are dual board certified and fellowship-trained, and experienced in treating a wide variety of spinal and back injuries and conditions.
Contact our offices today.
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