Ankle injuries are common in sports. About 45% of athletic injuries are ankle-related. However, they are not limited to athletes. Every day, 28,000 people seek medical attention for ankle injuries in the United States.
Ankle pain from rolling, twisting or turning can be short-lived. Many people who sprain their ankle may limp for a few days and experience minor swelling before returning to normal. Unfortunately, improperly addressed ankle sprains can lead to chronic ankle instability.
What Happens if You Dismiss an Ankle Sprain?
Untreated ankle sprains can cause persistent instability, degenerative and arthritic changes and chronic tendon inflammation. In addition, it may not heal fully and feel like the ankle is trying to give out constantly, which can result in re-injury.
Mismanaged ankle sprain symptoms include decreased balance, increased ankle ligament laxity and decreased dorsiflexion range of motion. These symptoms appear after the sprain and do not go away if improper treatment results in ankle instability.
What Should You Do if Your Sprained Ankle Does Not Improve?
Rest, ice, compression and elevation heal most ankle sprains within 2-12 weeks. However, when it does not heal with standard care, the injury could be more severe than you presumed.
Ankle pain that persists beyond 12 weeks often involves a damaged bone, tendon or ligament that will not heal without intervention. Furthermore, if left untreated, the injury can lead to permanent disability.
When it is evident that an ankle sprain is serious and not responding to standard therapies, consult an orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians as soon as possible to avoid further complications.
It would be ideal to have your ankle injury evaluated as soon as possible to rule out fractures or other serious injuries. Athletes, in particular, should consult a sports medicine expert, even if the pain is minor, before making a comeback.
What Are the Long-Term Repercussions of Ankle Instability?
Chronic ankle instability can result in ongoing instability, limited exercise, arthritis and tendon damage. In addition, repetitive stress and chronic ankle instability can lead to early-onset osteoarthritis, causing pain and impairment later in life.
Ankle sprains may seem minor, but they can have long-term health effects. In addition, painful mobility can lead to a more sedentary lifestyle and the myriad health risks that come with it.
Untreated Ankle Instability May Result in the Need for Surgery
Usually, we can treat ankle sprains without surgery. However, surgery is inevitable if the damage reaches the point of needing joint stabilization and ligament restoration. In such cases, our doctors can conduct arthroscopic procedures involving smaller incisions, reduced scarring and faster recovery.
Contact Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians if your ankle feels unstable and frequently gives way. We will use the most conservative treatment to restore ankle stability and help you avoid further sprains.
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