At Ortho Sport & Spine, we care about all injuries that you might experience. Sometimes your injuries even have the unfortunate timing of happening at work. When this happens, we are prepared to work with your Worker’s Compensation case to provide you with effective treatment plans that will get you back to work and play in a safe way!
If your work requires you to sit at a desk for long periods of time during the day, there are ways to help you strengthen and stretch your muscles to keep them healthy and strong.
- If your job requires you to type a lot on a keyboard, your wrists could begin to become weak and injury prone. Performing a wrist extension will help create space in them. Place both hands together in front of your chest (a prayer pose) While releasing your hands; turn your palm of your right hand away from your body. Grab your right hand with your left hand. Your fingers should be covering the pinky finger of your hand. Gently pull your elbows away from each other.
- Ankle to knee pose will help stretch your hip flexors. Start by putting your left foot over your right knee. Open your left knee out while keeping your back straight. You can add a backstretch into this pose by leaning forward as you open each knee to its side.
- Planking at your desk is a great way to lengthen out your rounded back that is typically humped over while doing your seated deskwork.
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