Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is an Atlanta leader in motor vehicle accident rehabilitation. We help patients who have been injured in an auto accident and other accident related injuries.
While we treat patients who have been injured in an auto accident, we’re also passionate about auto accident prevention as well. For this reason, we are thrilled about the new Hands Free Law that went into effect on July 1, 2018. The law basically states that drivers can no longer hold cell phones while they drive. If you’re looking for detailed description of what the Act bans and allows, you can read about it here in a recent article in the AJC.
If you’re still struggling with trying to break the habit of holding your cellphone, here are a few tips.
- Assign a designated texter while you’re driving. Hand your phone over to a passenger and have him work as a secretary, typing out the message you wish to send or reply to.
- Place your phone out of reach so it’s not a temptation to reach for.
- Get the technology to help you be hands free such as: Bluetooth, speakerphones, Alexa and headsets.
- Plan your trip before you get started. Punch in the location on your GPS before you hit the road on your journey.
- Set your phone to “auto answer” while you’re driving.
We hope the new Hands Free Law is effective in preventing motor vehicle accidents, but if you have the unfortunate event of being injured in a car accident, please contact the motor vehicle accident rehabilitation specialists at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians today to schedule a consultation with one of our expert physicians.
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