With rising gas prices and temperatures, many people are choosing the more economical choice to get around on a motorcycle. There are many benefits to choosing to ride a motorcycle, but in the event of a motor vehicle accident, it’s important to know how to handle the events after your accident occurs.
At the scene of the accident it’s important to remember these simple steps.
- Get yourself to a secure place and get yourself out of harm’s way.
- Check yourself and others for injuries and call 9-1-1 if anyone is hurt.
- Remain calm. This may be difficult, but it is important to maintain clearness of thought, so you can proceed with clarity.
- Report the accident to local law enforcement if 9-1-1 was not contacted.
- Do not leave the scene until you exchange relevant information with all parties involved. At a minimum, you should obtain the following details: property damage information with photographs or written descriptions; insurance and/or contact information; identifying information for the vehicles involved.
- Take pictures of the scene without putting yourself in harm’s way.
- Obtain information from any witnesses who are willing to provide it.
After you return home you will need to continue to deal with the aftermath of your motorcycle accident.
- Contact your insurance company.
- Contact your attorney for legal advice or questions.
- Contact an expert on motorcycle accident injury treatment. You can count on the caring professionals from Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians.
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