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What Are the Possible Causes of Sciatica? Atlanta, GA

What Are the Possible Causes of Sciatica?

Man Grabbing His Back in Pain

Sciatica refers to symptoms that are caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerves. While some people refer to sciatica as a condition, it is actually a combination of symptoms that are linked to the sciatic nerves. There are multiple back and spine conditions that can cause sciatica and associated symptoms. If you have…

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The Importance of Sports Medicine for Athletes

Man On Bike Sports Medicine

A sports medicine specialist is interested in every area of your health and performance. From proactive preventive measures to treatment and support through injuries, a rehabilitation team is always at your side. The ultimate goal is to help you achieve your potential while avoiding potentially career-ending injuries. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we are…

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Seek Treatment for Cartilage Damage in the Knee

the runner is holding his sore knee

The knee is a joint that carries more weight than any other in the body. It also comes under a heavy amount of impact pressure, as it is used in walking and running actions. To maintain optimal flexibility under these conditions, the knee contains cartilage. Coating the joint surfaces of the thighbone and shinbone, cartilage…

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Address the Sudden Onset of Back Pain

Back Pain

It seems unlikely that a normal, everyday action could cause severe lower back pain. However, at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we have treated patients who have injured their backs in just this manner. Normal lifting actions – such as lifting grocery bags – is a common cause of back issues. Routine tasks that cause…

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Can Chronic Ankle Instability Be Treated?

Ankle Pain

Chronic ankle instability is typically caused by an acute injury and can lead to many more problems if not properly treated. The good news is that it can be treated and that there are non-surgical therapies available that are usually effective. If you suspect instability or another provider has given you a diagnosis, seeing a…

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Increase Your Career Prospects with Improved Spine Health

spine pain

Is pain or discomfort in your spine preventing you from pursuing a dream career path? This is the reality for countless Americans. Pain in the neck, back and legs is often the result of a spinal injury or health condition. In many cases, the underlying damage is progressive unless interventional treatment is sought by the…

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Ankle Injuries are Common in Most Athletic Pursuits

Ankle Pain

If you imagine any stable manmade structure, there is always a strong foundation. The function of a foundation is as a base that bears and balances weight loads and forces from above. The same principle can be applied to human ankles, with the exception that these load-bearing joints also have to absorb the forces associated…

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What Does Minimally Invasive Mean?

doctor making notes

Any minimally invasive surgery uses tiny incisions instead of larger, more traditional surgical incisions. You will experience less pain and a faster recovery time after your procedure due to your surgeon making smaller incisions. You will still receive all the benefits of traditional surgery, but with less risks and more benefits. The surgeon inserts an…

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What to Expect After Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Surgery

A knee replacement surgery, or arthroplasty, may sound like a major undertaking, but it is one of the most common bone surgeries in the United States. It can help ease the pain caused by severe arthritis or bone deterioration. It also may help you with easier movement. The knee joint is removed and replaced with…

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Can Chronic Ankle Instability be Treated?

Ankle Pain

Chronic ankle instability is typically caused by an acute injury and can lead to many more problems if not properly treated. The good news is that it can be treated and that there are non-surgical therapies available that are usually effective. If you suspect instability or another provider has given you a diagnosis, seeing a…

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