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Orthobiologics 101 Atlanta, GA

Orthobiologics 101


No one wants to experience physical pain, yet for most people, it is invariably a part of life. For some, it is a chronic state of being that affects their quality of life on several levels. Fortunately, there are treatments available to address many conditions with chronic pain, and some of these treatments use orthobiologics.…

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Treating Damaged Knee Cartilage

Person Holding Knee in Pain

High impact sports can be murder on knee joints. Among all the joints in your body, the knee joint supports the most weight. Add to that the stress and pressure of high impact sports, and you have ripe conditions for knee injury. Types of Cartilage Damage There are many types of injuries that can affect…

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3 Things You Should Know About Shoulder Pain

Woman Grabbing Her Arm in Pain

Karen had been busy all afternoon making a special dinner. Everything was just about ready and now it was time to set the table. She opened the cabinet and reached up to get two of the fancy china plates reserved for only the most elegant affairs. That was when she felt the pain in her shoulder…

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Four Causes of Ankle Pain

ankle pain

If you are staying on your toes as you navigate the complexities of life, you may want to thank your ankles. This underrated part of your body allows you to get around easily. There are 26 bones, 33 joints and 100 muscles in your foot and ankle together. By itself, the ankle has three main…

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Is Back Surgery Really Necessary?

Man Grabbing His Back in Pain

Back pain is one of the most prevalent maladies in the USA. In fact, nearly 80% of Americans will experience back pain at some point in their life. Disabling pain usually attacks the lower back, where the majority of discomfort is located. Those with chronic pain want and need relief, but is back surgery really…

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Keep Your Hips Healthy


Every year, tens of thousands of people undergo hip replacement surgery. One of the major reasons is the wearing down of the hip joint. This is most often due to the effects of osteoarthritis; however, other health conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, bone tumors and avascular necrosis – a condition that causes loss of bone…

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The Top Four Sports Injuries

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

Weekend warriors, professional athletes and kids from elementary to high school all have something in common. They are at risk for certain sports-related injuries. Being active is important to your overall well-being. Not only does it keep you in shape, it also helps keep your brain functioning well. As exciting and energizing as these activities…

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Considerations For Your Back If You Work From Home

Man Typing on a Laptop

If you work from home, congratulations. You are part of the 5.2%  (according to the recent data from the US Census) of workers in the US enjoying this working situation. The rise in people working from home can be attributed to improved internet connectivity and the demand for flexible working environments. Companies see many advantages of…

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Athletes Benefitting From Tommy John Surgery


Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians offers baseball players and other dedicated athletes with Tommy John Surgery as an option to repair torn ligaments in the elbow. This injury, a torn or damaged ulnar collateral ligament (UCL), commonly affects pitchers in baseball. This procedure was named after Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher Tommy John. Over half of…

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Facet Joint Injections For Your Chronic Back Or Neck Pain

Man Grabbing His Back in Pain

Chronic pain of any kind can cause a major disruption to your life and daily habits. When that chronic pain resides in your neck or back it can be debilitating. When you’re taken out of the game (whether it be of life, work or a sport) you need to get back into it as quickly…

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