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Glucosamine for Recovery Atlanta, GA

Glucosamine for Recovery

athlete playing tennis

No matter how careful they are in choosing the correct shoes, doing the correct stretches before and after a workout, and taking necessary precautions – almost all athletes will experience some type of injury. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we specialize in helping athletes recover from sports related injuries with the most minimally invasive…

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Myofascial Pain

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Myofascial pain is a syndrome in which the muscles experience pain due to inflammation in the body’s soft tissues. Myofascial pain is a chronic condition that affects the connective tissues that cover the muscles inside a person’s body, and it may involve on specific muscle or an entire muscle group. Perhaps the most frustrating aspect…

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Greater Occipital Nerve Block for Headache Treatment

neck skeleton

Millions of people suffer from migraine headaches in the United States alone. For years, their symptoms have been treated with the use of medications to treat the symptoms of these headaches. However, there are now other options available for migraine sufferers, and Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is proud to offer patients different methods of…

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Failed Back Surgery Syndrome Treatment


Failed back surgery syndrome is described as “patients who have new or persistent pain after spinal surgery for back or leg pain.” People elect to have back surgery in hopes of relieving the pain and discomfort that they already have. But there are some who do not have successful results after back or spine surgery…

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At-Home Help for Pain

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Whether it’s a backache, football injury or something else entirely, no one likes living with pain. And sometimes, the only way to get relief is with the care and treatment that can only be provided by a physician – especially if that pain is debilitating and severe. But there are other times, like in between…

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Easy Ways to Protect Your Spine

spine pain

Whether it’s lifting heavy boxes on moving day, sitting in a desk chair at the office, suffering long commutes each afternoon, or playing a quick game of backyard football – there’s no end to the everyday activities that threaten the health and wellness of your spine. Your spine is critical to your ability to twist,…

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Sports Related Injuries

athlete playing tennis

Exercising is good for you for many different reasons. It boosts confidence, endorphins improve your mood, and it keeps the body fit and trim. However, millions of people injure themselves playing sports and through recreational exercising each year. Accidents, improper gear, not warming up, and poor training practices are the leading causes of sports related…

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Medial Branch Block


Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is an orthopedic, interventional spine and sports medicine practice that specializes in finding solutions to complex, chronic, and acute spine conditions and injuries using interventional spine treatments. Medial branch blocks are one method of helping individuals with chronic pain find relief from their symptoms, improved back and neck function, and…

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Hip Joint Injections

doctor with injection

The hip joint connects the leg to the pelvis. Any arthritis, injury, or mechanical stress to the hip joint can result in hip, buttock, leg, or low back pain. Hip joint injections are often found to be successful for those with symptoms of hip pain. Hip joint injections can relieve pain and discomfort, and they…

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Lumbar Herniated Disc

lower back pain

Shock absorbers on bicycles and automobiles make rides smoother for their passengers. The body was also designed with its own personal set of shock absorbers known as spinal discs. These discs act as shock absorbers for the spine and help to keep the spine flexible. When the discs are damaged it is called a herniated…

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