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Preventing Back Pain Atlanta, GA

Preventing Back Pain

lower back pain

At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we treat many patients who have excruciating neck and back pain from injuries and uncontrollable conditions. However, we also treat many patients whose back pain could have been avoided. Our goal at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is to help all of our patients stay active and enjoy their…

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person puting a compress on a painful heel

The feet take a lot of steps each and every day. Whether you are a medical professional who walks back and forth in the office seeing patients, a stay-at-home mom who chases toddlers all day long, or an athlete whose performance depends greatly upon the quality and quantity of steps during activity – the feet…

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Sprained Ankle


A sprained ankle is one of the most common injuries for athletes and non-athletes. While a sprained ankle is a common sports injury, many adults and children suffer from this injury while walking on an uneven surface. The ankle bones and ankle joint are held together by ligaments. These ligaments protect the ankle joint from…

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Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery


Back and neck pain are often the most difficult types of pain to live with. Because the spinal cord affects movement for every part of the body, there is no avoiding pain when the back and neck are involved. Spine surgery was typically done as “open surgery,” meaning that a long incision was made into…

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Post Laminectomy Syndrome

lower back pain

It is estimated that each year in the United States up to twenty percent of patients who undergo spine surgery still have some degree of persistent back or leg pain afterwards. Post Laminectomy Syndrome is the condition that refers to the unsuccessful results of spine surgery by the patient and physician. Spine surgery is done…

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Spotting Tennis Elbow

athlete playing tennis

Even if you’re not a tennis player. Tennis Elbow is a painful muscle strain that is caused by overuse and repetitive motion. Predominant in athletes and, unsurprisingly, tennis players, the term ‘Tennis elbow’ is actually a misnomer. This type of strain can happen to anyone whose forearm muscles are used in a repetitive motion. Painters,…

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Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure designed to alleviate back pain caused by spinal fractures and other spinal conditions. A spinal fracture or spinal condition can be difficult to cope with because it can cause intense pain, but kyphoplasty is designed to help patients find relief. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we are an…

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Sciatica Nerve Pain


Sciatica is the pain that radiates from the lower back through the hips and buttocks, traveling down the sciatic nerve. Except in rare occasions, sciatica affects only one side of the body. Sciatica is a symptom of another cause, most commonly from a herniated disc or bone spur that is compressing part of a nerve…

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Dislocated Shoulder

athlete playing tennis

A dislocated shoulder is a common injury among athletes of certain sports. This painful sports injury involves the arm bone dislodging from the socket and causing extreme pain and loss of mobility in the arm. Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians is an orthopedic and sports medicine practice that features a dedicated team of Interventional Sport…

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Stellate Ganglion Block


A stellate ganglion block is an injection of local anesthetic in the sympathetic nerve tissue of the neck. These tissues contain the nerves that make up a part of the sympathetic nervous system, located on either side of the voice box in the neck. A stellate ganglion block is an advanced interventional treatment used to…

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