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Spine Stabilization Atlanta, GA

Spine Stabilization

Minimally Invasive Stabilization in Atlanta GA

These days there are many options for those who are suffering from chronic and/or acute back pain. While just 20 years ago doctors performed extensive back surgeries to try to relieve pain, today surgeons are able to use minimally invasive approaches to help those with acute and chronic instabilities caused by degenerative changes in the…

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Cervical Spondylosis

neck pain

While Cervical Spondylosis may sound like an unnerving mouthful, it is actually a general term for the age-related wear and tear that affects the spinal disks in the neck. Over time, the disks dehydrate and shrink which cause bone spurs and other signs of osteoarthritis to develop. Cervical spondylosis is very common in both men…

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Discogenic Back Pain

neck skeleton

Discogenic back pain is also known as lumbar disc pain, and it is the degeneration of the lumbar intervertebral discs. There is not a specific cause for this back problem, although it is common as people age due to the wear and tear on the back. For most people with lumbar disc degeneration there are…

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Behcet’s Disease

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Behcet’s disease is a rare disorder that causes inflammation in blood vessels throughout the body. The inflammation of Behcet’s disease causes numerous symptoms that can occur all over a person’s body. Many of the symptoms may initially seem unrelated making it difficult to diagnose and treat Behcet’s disease at first. Signs and symptoms of the…

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Chronic Knee Pain

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

The knee functions to allow movement of the leg and is a critical component to walking. When the knee is not functioning properly or has consisted pain when in motion, walking and other knee pain are injury, degeneration and arthritis. Risk factors for knee pain include athletic activity, aging and obesity. Athletic activity puts an…

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Phantom Limb Pain


Phantom limb pain is an occurrence for many who have had a limb amputated. Mild to extreme pain can be felt in the area where the amputation occurred, and for some the pain sensations will disappear or decrease over time. However, there are some who suffer with phantom limb pain for months and years on…

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Facet Injections

a man with neck pain

Facet joints are located between each set of vertebrae in the spine from the neck to the tailbone. These joints allow each vertebrae to move in sync with the vertebrae directly above and below it. When there is inflammation and swelling of tissue in and around the facet joint space, pain occurs. Facet injections can…

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Groin Strain

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A groin strain results from applying an excessive amount of stress on the muscles in the groin and thigh area. When these muscles are tensed excessively or suddenly, they can become over-stretched or torn. Groin strains are common in people who play sports that require a lot of running and jumping, and those sports that…

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Plantar Fasciitis

person puting a compress on a painful heel

Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. The plantar fascia runs across the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. When it is inflamed, it causes stabbing pain that usually occurs with the very first steps taken in the morning. The pain can be worked out once…

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Achilles Tendinitis

taped foot

Achilles tendinitis is qualified as an “overuse injury” of the Achilles tendon, which is the band of tissue that connects the calf muscle at the back of the lower leg to the heel bone. Achilles tendinitis most regularly occurs in runners and middle-aged adults who participate in recreational sporting activities. Symptoms of achilles tendinitis usually…

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