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Knee Injections Atlanta, GA

Knee Injections

sport injury

Whether you play sports professionally or recreationally, knee injuries are common among the physically active. Twisting the knee, jamming the leg, and hard falls are often common injuries, but the outcomes can have long term effects. Chronic knee pain is associated with many people who put repeated, continuous stress on their knee joints. This chronic…

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Radiofrequency Ablation

man suffering from lower back pain

Radiofrequency ablation is a specific treatment used to help people with chronic low back and neck pain and people who suffer from arthritic pain in the joints. This procedure uses an electrical current produced by a radio wave to head up an inflamed area of nerve tissue in the spine. By heating up the inflamed…

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Leg Pain

knee pain

Leg pain can range from a mild nuisance that comes and goes to a debilitating pain that makes walking, sleeping or engaging in simply everyday activities difficult. Some people experience leg pain as a soreness or aching feeling, some feel it as a burning sensation, while others experience a pins and needles tingling with numbness…

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Back Pain Relief

Chronic and acute back pain can cause people to miss out on the activities they enjoy with family and friends. When icing the back at home no longer seems to be working for you, call Ortho Sport & Spine for relief. Our double board certified physicians are experts when it comes to diagnosing and treating…

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Endoscopic Discectomy

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians provides endoscopic discectomy for patients who have acute and chronic back pain from debilitating conditions or injury. Endoscopic discectomy is a non-invasive outpatient surgical procedure used to remove herniated disc material. Our doctors understand that back surgery is not needed for everyone. In fact, if it can be avoided, it…

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Tennis & Golf Elbow Treatment

Tennis Elbow and Golfer’s Elbow are similar conditions that are caused by overuse of the muscles and tendons in the forearm. Tennis elbow pain generally occurs on the outside of the elbow, while golfer’s elbow typically occurs on the inside of the elbow. This pain is not limited to only those who participate in playing…

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What is Interventional Spine Care?

Dr. Oskouei and his team at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians are dedicated to help those with back pain. For some people, back pain comes and goes. For others it can be chronic and debilitating. Dr. Oskouei understands that back pain, whether acute or chronic, can hamper the quality of life for sufferers. The team…

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