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Osteoporosis And Your Spine Atlanta, GA

Osteoporosis And Your Spine

mature woman

If you’re a woman, you are more likely to have something called osteoporosis. If you have osteoporosis it will cause your bones to become weak and brittle. When this happens, a fall can cause a fracture. According to the Mayo Clinic, “there typically are no symptoms in the early stages of bone loss. But once…

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Addressing Your Weight In 2019

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

The holidays are over. Did some of your holiday celebrations and festivities find you carrying more weight than usual? As a result of those extra pounds, you may have listed losing weight to the top of your 2019 New Year’s resolutions. If you gained weight and plan to exercise more in 2019, Ortho Sport &…

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Don’t Become A Statistic While Taking Your Christmas Decorations Down

Christmas gifts and decorations

Our team at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians would like to wish you a Happy New Year. We are honored to enter another year serving you and our patients with our cutting edge, minimally invasive techniques designed to get you back to work or to your desired sport. If you’re looking around your house dreading…

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Holiday Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation

Happy holidays !

Happy holidays from our team at Ortho Sport & Spine. Our desire is to help you have a happy holiday season and celebration by helping you be healthy and pain free. If this season finds you suffering from an injury or infection, your body will release chemicals to help protect it and fight off the…

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Shoulder Impingement

shoulder pain

One Of The Most Common Causes For Rotator Cuff Damage If you are suffering from rotator cuff damage, there is a good chance it is due to something called shoulder impingement. If you’re wondering what that is, it also one of the most common causes of your shoulder pain. You may also hear it referred…

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The Relationship Between Rowing Machines And Knee Pain

Person Holding Knee in Pain

The unpredictable Georgia weather in December can force you to choose a form of exercise that can not be dependent upon the weather. Indoor workout machines such as treadmills, stationary cycles and rowing machines are all options often chosen to combat the harsh outdoor conditions for your workout. Rowing Machines Rowing machines simulate the movements…

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Grateful For Your Mobility

Elderly Couple Walking on a Path in the Woods

Happy Thanksgiving from our team at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians! We are grateful for all our patients and we are thankful for the opportunity we have to serve you. Our Double Board Certified, Fellowship-trained doctors and surgeons specialize in cutting edge minimally invasive techniques designed to get your back to your work, your sport…

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Need Pinched Nerve Relief?

a man with neck pain

Ouch! If you have a pinched nerve, there’s no way you can ignore it. You need relief, and Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians has a solution for you. Your pinched nerve is due to too much pressure being applied to a nerve by your surrounding tissues, such as bones, cartilage, muscles or tendons. The pain,…

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Getting Your Gait Back After A Groin Strain

Elderly Couple Walking on a Path in the Woods

Your gait is the way you walk or move on your feet. It refers to the locomotion that you achieve through the movement of your limbs. If your gait is abnormal it could be due to many reasons such as illness, genetic factors, injury or abnormalities in your legs or feet. A groin strain is…

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Common Golf Injuries

Man Posing After Hitting a Golf Shot

Fall is a great time to hit the golf courses in the Atlanta Area. We have some of the most beautiful and greatest golf courses around! According to Golf Digest, Augusta National Golf Course is the top course in Georgia. Wasn’t it exciting to watch Patrick Reed capture the Masters Championship this year in Augusta?…

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