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The Dangers of Opiate Pain Medications Atlanta, GA

The Dangers of Opiate Pain Medications

doctor making notes

Have you heard the latest news? This month, and for the first time ever, officials at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta issued guidelines for primary care physicians urging them to avoid prescribing opiates such as Vicodin and OxyContin for chronic pain conditions. Here at Ortho Sport& Spine Physicians, we couldn’t agree…

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Big Mistakes You Can Make Post-Surgery

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On the road to recovery from a back or spinal surgery? That’s great! Our goal at Ortho Sport & Spine is to ensure that your recovery is as quick and pain-free as possible, and that means avoiding these post-surgery pitfalls. Not following your surgeon’s instructions. We know it’s tempting to get back to your normal…

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Preparing Your Body For Warm Weather Workouts

athlete playing tennis

Spring is finally here, and if you’re anything like us, you probably can’t wait to take your fitness routine outdoors. Outdoor workouts offer tons of great health benefits. The vitamin D we receive from the sun amps up our immune system, boosts bone health, and can actually improve mood. Working out outside also provides better…

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A Grocery List for Better Bone Health

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What you eat has a huge impact on how you heal and manage bone and joint pain – whether you’re dealing with a break, fracture, sprain or other chronic condition. Before heading out on your next grocery trip, make sure to add these to your shopping list. Dark, leafy greens, broccoli, soybeans, yogurt. All of…

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Things to Have at Home After Spinal Surgery

spine pain

Coming home after a spinal surgery can be a daunting and overwhelming process. Your mobility may be limited, and there may not always be someone nearby that can make sure you have what you need. To make sure you have everything you need to recovery properly, without aggravating your injury or condition, have these at…

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3 Bad Health Habits That Can Slow Healing

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

Healing from an injury or condition is a process that continues long after you leave the doctor’s office. The habits that you practice at home can have a big impact on your body’s ability to recover, for better or worse. While habits like getting in some approved exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet, and following…

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Valentine’s Treats That Won’t Trigger Inflammation

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Ahh, Valentine’s Day. Love is in the air, and chocolate, candy, and all kinds of sugar-loaded sweets are piled on grocery store shelves. While those heart-shaped boxes may send your sweeties’ heart fluttering, their high saturated fat and sugar content can send pain levels soaring. That’s because sugar is a known trigger for inflammation –…

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Stop Stress for Quicker Recovery

lower back pain

You might be wondering what stress – the kind that can come from work pressures, a full schedule, and a mile-long to-do list – has to do with an injury or spinal condition. But the fact is, stress affects nearly all systems in the body, including the ones responsible for recovery from pain, accident, or…

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The Core/Spine Connection

spine pain

You probably already know that good posture and standing up straight are great for the health and alignment of your spine. But if you’re looking to build strength in your back and reduce chronic back pain, as well as protect your back and spine from serious injury, one of the best things you can do…

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A Happy, Healthy New Year to You

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As 2016 arrives, we all start to reflect on what we’ve accomplished over the past year, and what we have to look forward to in the 365 days ahead. Here at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we’ve spent the last year providing all of our patients with only the highest quality sport and spine care…

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