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Beating Pain with Biologics Atlanta, GA

Beating Pain with Biologics

Man Posing After Hitting a Golf Shot

You hear a lot of words thrown around when you’ve been faced with a sport or spinal injury, words like surgery and injection. A word you may be less familiar with is biologic – a treatment method offered at Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians that utilizes harvested natural products, such as tissue, to encourage the…

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A Brief 411 on Spinal Treatments


Spine injuries are frightening, and learning about your treatment options can be overwhelming – they often use terms you’ve never heard of before, and it can be hard discerning which is best for your situation. At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we offer a wide range of spinal injury treatments, from minimally invasive surgery to…

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Could Back-to-School Mean More Pain for Students?

spine pain

The school year has snuck up on us again. That means you’re probably already busy planning schedules, packing lunches, and making sure the kids have a ride to practice. The school year is full of exciting new things for both kids and parents, but it’s also full of potential spine-damaging dangers for kids and teens…

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Helping Athletes Avoid Injuries

athlete playing tennis

We’re coming up on the end of summer, which means football season is right around the corner. Not to mention, baseball, soccer, cheerleading, field hockey, even cross country, all in full swing, and all increasing your risk of a sports injury. In fact, according to the Georgia Regents Health System, more than 10 million injuries…

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Sprains and Strains

taped foot

Nothing will ruin a backyard baseball game, an after-work gym session, or other fun, outdoor summer activities like a painful ankle strain or sprain. These occur when the ligaments, muscles, or tendons that support the ankle are overstretched or torn, resulting in pain, swelling, bruising and an inability to walk comfortably that can sideline you…

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Beating Back Pain

spine pain

Whether it’s from sitting at a desk all day or lifting something that was just too heavy, chronic and acute back pain is one of the most commonly experienced pain conditions in the U.S. In fact, upwards of 26 million Americans experience back pain and according to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, it’s the…

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Should You Get a Second Opinion?

doctor making notes

Holding up your head. Connecting all the major regions of your body. Helping your body communicate correct information to your brain. Protecting your nervous system. Anchoring your limbs. These are just some of the critical functions your spine performs, and opting for surgery on it can be a big (and scary) decision. Do you need…

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Managing Pain After a Motor Vehicle Accident

motor vehicle accident

July 4th is getting closer and closer, and while the holiday often calls to mind fun and fireworks, it’s also known for something else – auto accidents. The Fourth of July often rates highest in terms of motor vehicle accidents compared to all other days of the year, and summer is the most dangerous season…

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Common Summer Sport Injuries

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

It’s no surprise that this season’s long days and warm temperatures send more people outdoors to participate in their favorite activities. From training for marathons to backyard baseball games, summer sends people scrambling to be more physically active – and while that can mean big benefits for your health, it also greatly ups the potential…

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Golf Related Back Pain

Man Posing After Hitting a Golf Shot

After a long winter, warm weather is here and many people are taking advantage of these spring days by breaking out their golf clubs. Golf is an enjoyable and relaxing sport for many people (it can also get quite competitive!), but for quite a few people they experience lower back pain and injury related to…

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