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Spinal Health Over the Holidays Atlanta, GA

Spinal Health Over the Holidays

Happy Holidays!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year — filled with holiday parties, delicious meals, and quality time with family and friends. Unfortunately though, some of our favorite things about the season can be detrimental to the health of our back and spine. Between last-minute shopping, and trying to plan the most Pinterest-perfect holiday party,…

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Winter Knee Pain

Woman Grasping Knee in Pain

While the jury is still out on just how big a role weather plays in chronic pain, anecdotal evidence abounds. People across all age groups insist that cold, winter weather exacerbates their pain, with knee pain close to the top of the list. Some researchers believe that this is because nerve endings in the joints…

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Weight Gain and Back Pain

lower back pain

We’ve arrived smack-dab in the middle of the post-Thanksgiving, pre-Christmas holiday season. It’s a time for fun and festivities, but also a time for packing on the pounds, thanks to huge holiday meals, complete with treats that add loads of extra calories. Many people also tend to fall off of their normal workout routine this…

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3 Surprising Ways to Nix Your Neck Pain

motor vehicle accident

It’s getting cooler out, and if you’re a chronic sufferer of neck pain, the colder temps could have you feeling a little more worse for wear. While it hasn’t been scientifically proven, much anecdotal evidence exists to prove the correlation between cold weather and pain in the back, neck, and other joints. In fact, many…

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Fending Off Thanksgiving Football Injuries

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians logo

Turkey. Dressing. Family. Knee and shoulder injuries? Unfortunately, all of these things are staples of the Thanksgiving holiday, and thanks to those family football games, the last two are becoming more and more common. Hauling the family out to the backyard gridiron is a fun way to work off that Thanksgiving feast, but if you…

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Halloween Road Hazards

Happy Halloween

Costumes, candy, and car accidents? You might not think so, but all three of these things – including dangerous car accidents – are a staple of Halloween. Studies have shown that people are more than twice as likely to be struck by a car on Halloween than other days of the year. According to the…

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Cold Weather and Chronic Pain

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians logo

There’s a lot to love about cooler fall temperatures – sipping on your favorite pumpkin spice concoctions, cozying up by the fire, watching your kids kick around in a big pile of freshly-raked leaves. Not on that list – more noticeable chronic back and joint pain. It’s long been reported that colder weather can have…

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Taking Action to Protect Your Achilles

ankle injury

Every single step you take, each time you reach up high on your tip toes or squat down low, you engage your Achilles tendon, the tough band of fibrous tissue that connects your heel to your calf muscle. It plays a role in all of the movements of your foot, and according to the Academy…

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PalinGen SportFlow for Your Spine


All it takes is one golf swing, one rough tackle, lifting one too many heavy boxes to suffer a painful spinal or joint injury. And that split-second move can lead to days, weeks, even months of pain, discomfort and debilitation. The next time a spine, joint or ligament injury is threatening to send you to…

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Fall, Football, and Injury Prevention

athlete playing tennis

Crisp air, falling leaves, and getting ready for that tailgate. It can only mean one thing – football season is here. And in addition to gearing up to watch your favorite college and pro teams on television, you may also be loading up the car with pads and helmets and equipment for your kids’ own…

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