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What Could Be Causing My Hip Pain? Atlanta, GA

What Could Be Causing My Hip Pain?


At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we offer expert hip pain treatment. We are the leading provider of expert his pain treatment using our orthopedic and sports medicine expertise in Atlanta and Savannah. We specialize in utilizing effective and minimally invasive solutions for acute and chronic hip pain. We will take time to accurately pinpoint…

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Meniscus Transplantation For Athlete Longevity

three physicians

At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we offer meniscal transplants to our patients who have suffered from a meniscus tear or other knee injuries. This is an important procedure because when your knee loses its shock absorber it can become unstable. It can also cause knee and bone wearing, arthritis, and other painful knee problems.…

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During the month of November, it’s a good time to reflect upon all that we’re grateful for. At Ortho Sport & Spine, we have a long list of all that we’re thankful for. Our patients-We know that our patients have options for their treatments.  We’re thankful that so many of you have noticed and experienced…

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Are Your Ready For Your Cooler Workouts

Hello Fall!

November ushers in a season marked by gratefulness and cooler temperatures. At Ortho Sport & Spine, we’re grateful for the cooler temperatures. Georgia summers can actually be somewhat prohibitive for being active outside. The high temperatures and humidity often make playing, exercising and journeying outside unfavorable. With November’s cooler temperatures, people are venturing outdoors more,…

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Tracking Your Behcet’s Disease

woman during doctor's appointment

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians in Atlanta offers expert treatment if you suffer from Behcet’s Disease. This disease (or syndrome) is a rare, chronic, autoimmune, auto inflammatory disorder. The origin of Behcet’s Disease is unknown, but it is thought to be caused by vasculitis. This can cause harm to your blood vessels throughout your body.…

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Clearing Up The Confusion Between An Injury And Muscle Pain


At Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians, we treat all kinds of sports related injuries. Our physicians specialize in helping athletes recover from injuries and return to peak performance levels. We use the most advanced and minimally invasive treatment methods for all of our athletes. Our goal is to help you recover so you can enjoy…

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A Little Known Muscle We Know As the Psoas

Man Grabbing His Back in Pain

There is a little known muscle known as the psoas. You pronounce it “SO-as.” It’s surprising how so few people have ever heard of this muscle due to the fact that it is so vital to all movements. Almost all activities and sports that you participate in require the recruitment of your psoas muscles. They…

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Fall Sports And Sport Related Injuries

Ortho Sport & Spine Physicians logo

There are six sports offered by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) for the fall season.  However, the season of fall offers the least number of sports out of the three seasons of winter, spring and fall. Some may argue this, but the most popular fall collegiate sport is arguably, football. Which college football team…

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Knee Pain? Coolief May Be Your Solution


According to the National Health Interview Survey conducted in 2006, approximately 30% of adults say they are experiencing some form of joint pain. 18% of respondents identified that knee pain was the main cause of their pain. Are you one of those individuals that is suffering from knee pain? Are you trying to figure out…

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Backpacks, Back Pain, And Back To School


It’s that time of year when students and athletes of all ages are heading back to their respective schools and colleges. It’s an exciting time of discovering schedules, activities and friendships. It’s also a time when students consider which backpack they will use to carry their mountains of information-filled books in. It’s incredible that students’…

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